Tuesday, October 25, 2016

My prayer for you my boy

Sweet son,
I pray that you will always know you are beautiful and created to be just who you were meant to be. I pray that you will believe in yourself and be anything and anyone you choose to be. I pray you will know you are loved, no matter what anyone says about you or calls you or thinks of you because you are bigger than that. I pray you believe you have so much to offer this world. You are His little light and you shine into the lives of so many others. I pray that no one tries to take that light from you. I pray for protection, from words, from judgements, from fear that will keep you from being the wild and adventurous boy that you are. I pray that you will accomplish your dreams, never give up on your goals and have the support to see all you were meant to see. I pray you will always see the great in others regardless or race or religion or political view. I pray that no one will try to fit you in the mold they call "normal" because you wouldn't be you in any other way. I pray you will find love and the depths of happiness that money can't buy and I pray you will always trust Jesus to guide your way. I love you my sweet beautiful boy...and you will always be my baby boy.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that. He is also our sweet and beautiful grandson and we love him!!
