Saturday, April 29, 2017

It takes a village

As a special needs Mom I know that I can't do life alone. I have learned that I need to ask for help, for prayer, and for people to watch my children when I need a break. When my son was 3 we thought the therapy was over. He had caught up in his speech and things were looking great for his language. But, he had by no means the concept of safety and acceptable behavior. Yes, a 3 yr. old has a hard time understanding life as it is, but when your body has gotten in the way of you learning what should be expected learning (after several times tell him we needed to be safe crossing the street and he still jutted out every time) everything needs to be taught in a way that makes sense. Visual charts, illustrations, practiced behavior, etc. Still, he's 10 now, and sometimes he forgets to this day. It's a constant battle on an uphill terrain. That's why we need a village. I have women in my life that just pray for me, that's it, they ask what I need and they pray. Then, I have those that see me weary and they bring meals. Others take my kids for the night so I can relax and get to bed early. All because I asked for help at some point, and I didn't say I'm fine, it's okay. Don't pretend that you can do this on your own, because you can't. God helps us, for sure, but He also sends others, and it's not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength. Go....find your village.
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