Wednesday, November 23, 2016

I am thankful

It's hard sometimes to look at all the good things that have come out of these last nine years of discovering my son and all his multi-faceted intricate details. But through it all, hard as it can be sometimes, I am so thankful for him! My life would not be the same, he brings joy to my life and sweetness to my heart. I love all his kisses!!

From the beginning:
💗 I am thankful for the patient friends and family who have been there for me to lean on, to cry with to ask why with, and just to let me vent while I figured everything out.
💗 I am thankful for the people who were understanding when my son had a meltdown, a screaming fit, a lashing out, a running off, and "seriously did you just put that in your mouth" episodes.
💗 I am thankful for those who believed me when I knew something was going on with my son and supported me all the way, even if they didn't understand it
💗 I am thankful for the first speech therapist that my boy had, who gave me hope, and helped me navigate and made everything about him feel so normal.
💗 I am thankful for the new case worker when we moved from east coast to west coast for not only helping us with new services but letting us know if we needed anything to help us navigate our new surroundings that she was just a phone call away.
💗 I am thankful that my friends didn't pressure me or my son to start talking and they just loved him for who he was (and his cutest jibberish language ever!!)**flashback-my kids were watching Madagascar and my little boy loved the music, he was just starting to form words and loved singing the Move it, Move it song. He would sing at the top of his lungs, "I ya ya moo mi moo mi, I ya ya moo mi moo mi, I ya ya moo mi moo mi, I ya ya MOO MICH!!" It's mine and my friend's favorite memory to date.
💗 I am thankful for family that have ALWAYS been by my side and loved my boy just the way he is, not expecting anything less or anything more of him and celebrating every milestone (to this day!) he accomplishes. I couldn't have done this journey without you!!
💗 I am thankful for the occupational therapy that my son experienced with his sensory integration with the birth to 3 program and the SI and horse therapy he had, this was a game changer for us and we finally were able to start really communicating with our son because of it! (not language, that was already there, but really understanding us). Seeing my boy in his element brought me to tears the first day I saw him there, it was like the boy locked inside got to come out and play. I will never forget that moment.
💗 I am thankful for all the nurses and doctors at the Seattle Children's Autism Center who helped with his Autism diagnosis and gave us the advice we needed to hear, wouldn't have gotten anywhere else, and heard me!! (no idea how much this meant to me!!)
💗 I am thankful for all the school psychologists, special education teachers, occupational therapists, teachers and principals (it sometimes takes a village) that have helped, supported, raised, and loved my son through all the rough and tough times. They see the boy he is and nothing less. Thank you for taking care of my boy during the day when I can't.
💗 I am thankful for all the babysitters, caretakers, family and friends who have stepped in and given my husband and I a break when we really needed it, and you were not only up for the challenge, you loved the time spend with my boys.
💗 I am thankful for my oldest son who has been the best of friends to my boy (and sometimes the worst of enemies-expected!). You have always loved your brother in spite of all the hard times, you laugh at his quirkiness, enjoy his perspective, and create and teach him in a way no one else could, without you my little boy would not be who he is today. You have been the best big brother ever!
💗 I am thankful for my husband who has been on my team the whole time. We didn't always agree with our son's care for every decision, but for the most important ones we fought for him, we encouraged him, we stood up for him. We cried for him, we were scared for him and we celebrated him...together. Thank you for all that you did when I had to go back to work. For learning how to understand him and becoming his greatest advocate. I am so proud of the father you became because of it.
💗 I am thankful for my Savior Jesus, where do I even begin. You showed me how you see my boy. You showed me what a light he is to others, how he needs to be wild and free because that is who you created him to be. You gave me hope when I had none, you gave me eyes to see what no one else could and you let me know I am not alone in this, ever. I am so grateful for all you have done.

Let's remind ourselves there is much to be grateful for. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. There truly is so much to be thankful for and not just at Thanksgiving. But do have a blessed weekend!!
